Thursday 23 May 2013

BBQ Seasoned Baby Potatoes

Another one of my favourite BBQ sides would have to be these babies. We always make these when we go camping or just to add to any good ol' BBQ at home. They are so versatile and easy! You can add just about any spices and they will always taste good. This here is my most commonly used ingredients.

This recipe makes enough for 4 sides, approximately 6 potatoes each person. 


- Half a bag of baby potatoes, washed and cut in halves (you can do red or white or a mix of both for fun!) 
- 1 tsp Minced Garlic
- 2 tbsp Olive oil
- 1/4 tsp Thyme 
- 1/4 tsp Rosemary
- 1/4 tsp Lemon Juice
- 2 dashes of Paprika
- 1/4 tsp Parsley
- Sea Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Place potatoes after being cut into a bbq safe pan. I use dollar store tin disposables.
2. Pour in Olive oil and Lemon juice, mix.
3. Add all Spices and mix.
4. BBQ on MEDIUM heat for approx. 20 mins, or until golden brown and soft on insides.

THATS IT! Told ya it was another easy side. ;)

Have you made these before? If so, do you do anything differently?


  1. NICE POST:)

  2. Love baby potatoes, great recommendation!

    I am a new follower and think your blog is so cute! Would love for you to check out mine :)

    - Kathleen

  3. Hello Sarah. I really like your blog and it would mean a lot to me if you take a minute and check, follow my blog if you like. Thank you so so much, have a nice day,
    xoxo Nika

    1. Thanks girl. I am now a new follower!

  4. I'm not a huge potato fan but my partner is, I can't wait to try this recipe at our next dine-at-home dinner date :) thanks for sharing Sarah!

  5. Hi Sarah! These potatoes look soo yummy!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving all those sweet comments!! Following you on bloglovin!!
    Restoration Beauty

    1. You're very welcome Selene! I love your ideas!!!

  6. Oooh, they sound so delicious :)


  7. I started following, great blog! ;)

  8. nice! I need to tty this !!! love your blog!! so cute :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
